Partnership Opportunities

Partner with Events in the Process Development & Manufacturing Series

Experts Need Your Help With:

  • Generating stable and high-producing cell lines optimized for monoclonal antibody (mAb) and fusion protein expression to overcome challenges in efficient production
  • Designing and validating specialized assays tailored for assessing the potency, stability, and functionality of antibody-based therapeutics and fusion proteins, addressing the need for accurate and reliable analytical methods
  • Conducting in-depth structural and biophysical characterization of antibodies and fusion proteins to understand their properties, ensure quality, and address regulatory requirements effectively
  • Perfecting recombinant expression and purification techniques to overcome challenges related to scalability, yield, and purity in the production of antibody-based drugs and fusion proteins

And more!

Elevate Brand Recognition

Utilize tailored exposure opportunities to enhance brand visibility, engage with senior decision makers and prominent thought leaders to increase market share with bespoke branding packages

Connect & Engage with Key Industry Players

Forge new business relationships and reconnect with past clients through both structured and informal networking, including speed networking sessions, one-on-one meetings, chats at your exhibition booth, and other bespoke networking opportunities

Benefit from Market Intelligence

As the field moves froward, so does the requirement for world-leading solution providers. Connect directly with pioneers leading the field to position yourselves as the expert go-to provider

Who Will You Meet?

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